Effective Treatment for Tennis Elbow Pain

Effective Treatment for Tennis Elbow Pain


Tennis elbow pain occurs among those who actively engage in repetitive arm, wrist and forearm movements. Besides sportspersons, it can be seen among businessmen, clerks, technicians and laborers. In this blog, we shall discuss the causes of tennis elbow, its signs and treatment options. It is important to learn about tennis elbow pain if you perform repetitive elbow actions.

Understanding the Cause of Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a result of strain due to overuse of muscles in the forearm or repetitive movements. It is usually seen in people playing sports, such as tennis, golf, cricket, etc.  It is also common in people who type a lot.

Common causes of tennis elbow include:

  • Heavy physical activity, such as in sports or laborious jobs.
  • Overuse of the forearm muscles in activities such as sports, painting, typing.
  • Incorrect form and technique while doing activities.

Early identification of the cause of tennis elbow is important to avoid worsening of tennis elbow pain.

Common Symptoms of Tennis Elbow Pain

The symptoms of tennis elbow pain show up gradually and may worsen over time. The pain is generally located on the outer part of the elbow and can extend into the forearm and wrist. Activities that involve gripping or lifting objects can intensify the pain.

Common symptoms of tennis elbow pain include:

  • A burning sensation in the outer part of your elbow
  • Weakness in the forearm and wrist
  • Difficulty in gripping objects, such as holding a cup or shaking hands

Tennis Elbow Treatment 

Most cases of tennis elbow pain can be effectively managed with at-home treatments. These aim to reduce pain, promote healing, and restore strength to the affected muscles.

Here are some common tennis elbow treatment options:

  1. Rest: Allow your arm to rest by avoiding activities that strain the muscles and tendons.
  2. Ice Packs: Applying ice packs to the affected area can reduce swelling and alleviate tennis elbow pain.
  3. Physical Therapy: Gentle exercises and stretches can help improve flexibility and strength in the forearm muscles.
  4. Braces: Wearing a brace can reduce the strain on the tendons and provide relief from tennis elbow pain.
  5. Anti-inflammatory Medications: Over-the-counter medications can help manage inflammation and reduce tennis elbow pain.

These tennis elbow treatment methods are usually effective in reducing pain and restoring elbow function.

How to Get Rid of Tennis Elbow Pain

If the above-mentioned methods do not work, use advanced tennis elbow treatment options to get rid of tennis elbow pain

Here are some steps on how to get rid of tennis elbow pain more effectively:

  • Steroid Injections: In cases where inflammation is severe, corticosteroid injections can provide temporary relief.
  • Shockwave Therapy: This therapy uses sound waves to stimulate the healing of tendons and reduce tennis elbow pain.
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: PRP therapy involves injecting the patient's platelets into the damaged tendon area, promoting healing and providing tennis elbow relief.

These advanced treatments should be considered when other methods fail to provide long-term tennis elbow relief.

Tennis Elbow Care

Taking proactive steps for tennis elbow care can prevent the condition from worsening or recurring. By using preventive measures, you can manage your tennis elbow pain.

Here’s how you can practice tennis elbow care:

  • Strengthen Forearm Muscles: Engage in exercises that strengthen your forearm and reduce the strain on your tendons.
  • Use Proper Technique: Whether you're playing sports or engaging in daily activities, maintaining proper form reduces your risk of developing tennis elbow pain.
  • Take Regular Breaks: If your activities involve repetitive arm motions and heavy load bearing, taking frequent breaks will help avoid overstraining your muscles.
  • Use Ergonomic Tools: Using tools or equipment like anti-vibration tools, and armrests reduce strain on your muscles and help in tennis elbow care.

By following these tennis elbow care tips, you can find tennis elbow relief.


Tennis elbow pain may be severe, however it can be managed with proper tennis elbow treatment. Avoid the development of chronic pain in a tennis elbow by identifying the cause of tennis elbow at early stages. Thus, whether you go for the traditional measures or explore advanced treatments, manage this condition in advance to avoid discomfort.

FAQ Section

What is the fastest way to get rid of tennis elbow pain?
Tennis elbow pain can be mostly managed through rest, ice packs, and by engaging in physical therapy. In chronic conditions, injection steroid or even shockwave might be needed to alleviate the pain.

Which deficiency causes tennis elbow?
Tennis elbow pain is not caused due a deficiency but because of the repetitive strain on the forearm muscles. Someone who has weak muscles or uses improper technique when playing this game can get this condition.

What are the other causes of tennis elbow besides tennis?
Tennis elbow pain and discomfort can happen from repetitive strain on the wrist or arm, like when painting, typing or lifting.

What should be avoided in tennis elbow care?
Minimize activities that increase the pain, for example, carrying objects with hands, moving the arm in a way which puts stress on the forearm muscles, etc.