6 reasons your knees hurt while running

6 reasons your knees hurt while running


Have you been discouraged by knee pain after a great run? Does it make you question if running is harming your knees? Well, running is good for your knees, unless you do it in improper form. It is a great workout for some, and for others, it is like a passion, stress reliever, and way to connect with nature. However, knee pain after running may kill your motivation. In today's article, we will understand some of the common knee pain causes. We will discuss at length why you get knee pain from running and discuss some preventive measures.

Common knee pain causes after a run

Knee is one of the most complex joints of the human body that bears significant stress, especially while running. Each step taken while running exerts pressure three to five times the body weight on the knees, leading to knee joint pain. Let's discuss the knee pain causes in detail:

  • Reason 1 - Overuse and Repetitive Motion

The repetitive motion causes overuse of the knee, leading to knee pain during running. It adds significant stress and serves as a primary reason for knee joint pain and inflammation. Allowing your knees adequate time to rest and heal to prevent overuse injuries.

  • Reason 2 - Improper Running Form

The knee pain from running gets worse with misalignments like landing with your foot too far ahead of your body, improper knee position, and too much inward or outward rotation of your foot. Incorrect posture puts significant stress causing knee joint pain.

  • Reason 3 - Weak or Imbalanced Muscles

The quadriceps, hamstrings, and hip muscles are very important for stabilizing and supporting the knee. The weakening of these muscles becomes one of the reasons for knee pain. This leads to knee joint pain and discomfort, increasing the chances of knee instability and the risk of potential injuries.

  • Reason 4 -  Improper Footwear

Knee pain from running can also result from wearing improper or worn-out shoes. Running in shoes that are not properly aligned, cushioned, or supported can change your gait (walk) and put additional strain on your knees. Running barefoot for extended periods can also cause inflammation and knee joint pain.

  • Reason 5 - Pre-existing Conditions

Knee pain from running can worsen pre-existing knee ailments like tendonitis, arthritis, or injuries from the past. The knee is vulnerable to discomfort and damage, particularly when running is involved. Running might be painful for you if you had knee surgery in the past because of weak or unstable knee joints. Adding to this, activities such as squatting, sitting, and climbing stairs add stress to the knee joint and worsen the knee pain. In severe cases, this may lead to chronic disorders such as Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome also known as runner's knee.

  • Reason 6 - Running on Hard Surfaces

The knee joint pain increases more when you run on concrete or asphalt. Less ability to handle shock can make the knee joints hurt and be uncomfortable over time. It is not only a primary knee pain reason but might also lead to stress on the joint. Fractures or joint inflammation can happen when you hit hard objects over and over again.

Long-term effects of knee pain due to running

So far we have discussed the common knee pain reasons after running. If left unnoticed, persistent knee pain can lead to adverse effects on the knee joint. Besides pain and discomfort, there can be below-listed effects of persistent knee pain from running.

  • Knee Instability
  • Arthritis
  • Reduced Mobility

You might also experience that your knee hurts when bent. In severe cases, you may have to undergo a knee replacement surgery. Surgery will manage the pain and help you walk better, but there is no replacement for a naturally healthy knee. 

A better mitigation strategy is to prevent all these problems so that you can easily perform your workout without the fear of knee injury.

Ways to prevent knee pain from running

  1. Proper Warm-up and Cool-down: Before running, always warm up to increase blood flow around the muscles and joints and prepare them for the workout. Allow the muscles around the knee joint to cool down and relax after running. Engage in dynamic and static stretches before and after your workout to reduce muscle stiffness.
  2. Strength Training:  Incorporate strength training activities to strengthen your muscles and improve your balance, especially in your core and legs. Do these workouts at least two to three times a week. This also helps in reducing the chance of injury.
  3. Correct Running Form: Keep your shoulders relaxed, practice proper running foot strike (placing foot properly while running), etc. to maintain a correct running form. Avoid overstriding (landing on the ground too far ahead of your center of gravity) to reduce the risk of knee wear and tear. Also make sure your knees and toes are well aligned.
  4. Choose the Right Footwear: Replacing your running shoes after a certain period is essential, as worn-out shoes lack support and cushioning. This eventually causes pain and discomfort while running. Therefore, invest in quality running shoes that provide adequate support and cushioning to give you comfort.
    Gradual Progression: To ensure that the knees are less susceptible to overuse injuries, follow the 10% rule. As per this rule, the distance and intensity of the runs should be increased every week only by 10%.
  5. Soft Surfaces: Run on surfaces that provide better shock absorption, such as soft surfaces like trails, grass, and rubberized tracks to reduce the impact on your knees.
    Rest and Recovery: Allow sufficient rest between runs to let your body recover and prevent overuse injuries.
  6. Use knee support for running: Maintaining fitness through regular running is essential, but it also comes with the risk of knee pain. You need knee support for running to prevent knee pain and provide stability to the knee. The knee supports offer the below-listed benefits:
    • Provide effective support and stability
    • Maintain proper alignment of the knee joint
    • Provide compression and warmth to enable recovery
    • Increase blood flow
    • Provide a layer of protection
    • Protect against bumps, bruises, and minor injuries
    • Reduce muscle fatigue


What type of footwear is best for preventing knee pain?

It is advised to choose running shoes depending upon your foot’s arch (flat feet, high arches, or normal arches) or gait pattern. Ideal footwear for preventing knee pain after running gives proper support, cushioning, and alignment.

Can running on different surfaces affect knee pain?

Yes, running on different surfaces significantly affects knee pain. Softer surfaces, like trails or grass put less impact and stress on the knees as compared to harder surfaces like concrete or asphalt. The latter can result in knee pain after running.

How does improper running form cause knee pain?

Factors like overstriding, poor body alignment, and weak hip and muscles result in incorrect running form. These are some of the noticeable knee pain reasons. These issues increase stress on the knee joint. It may cause the knee to hurt but may also lead to chronic knee conditions like patellofemoral pain syndrome (runner’s knee).


Knee pain after running can be a cause of worry. However, with the right knowledge and precautions, it is manageable. Run for miles pain-free while keeping your knees healthy. Just follow a proactive approach and use knee supports for protection. Keep pushing forward with optimal support and healthy knees.