Effective Ways to fix neck hump

Effective Ways to fix neck hump


Neck hump is a posture related condition in which there may be an unusual curvature at the base of your neck. It is also known as kyphosis or dowager’s hump. Over time, it can lead to discomfort and pain. It may also affect your confidence while going out into the world. In this article, we will discuss how to correct the neck hump so that you can live life with confidence.

Common neck hump causes

Identifying the common neck hump causes is the first step in taking preventive measures. They are generally associated with lifestyle habits and physical health. Some common neck hump causes are given below.

  • Poor Posture: This happens when you are hunching and leaning forward for too long. Such pressure aggravates the neck spinal region, causing neck hump. It is mostly seen in those who have to work for long hours (mostly while seated) on the computers.
  • Extended Device Usage: Focusing your attention frequently and for a prolonged duration on a cellphone, tablet or computer can cause tech neck. Such forward head posture creates a tension in the neck muscles as well as neck joints, causing neck hump.
  • Weak Back Muscles: The neck muscles and the shoulder muscles form a band down the back. If these muscles are weak, they might not stabilize the spine.
  • Osteoporosis: This is a medical condition that makes the bones porous and weak. The bones get more prone to break or become abnormally shaped. This may also lead to bending of the spine and developing a neck hunch.
  • Genetic Factors: Bone structure and muscular coordination depend on genetic factors. Some people may develop neck humps and slumped posture because of similar conditions in their family.

You can significantly reduce the risk of developing a neck hump by taking proactive steps.

How to Fix a Neck Hump?

Understanding neck hump causes is the first step towards managing neck hump. Now that you understand the causes, let’s discuss the ways to fix it.

  • Posture Correction Exercises: Fixing a neck hump requires doing exercises that target the back and overall posture. Exercises like chin tucks, shoulder blade squeezes, and thoracic extensions involve the spine and help in correcting the curve too. Consistency is key, so do these exercises daily.
  • Neck hump correction pillow: Sleep plays a crucial role in posture, and using a specialized pillow that supports proper alignment during sleep can make a difference. A neck corrector pillow assists the spine while sleeping as it helps to maintain a natural curve of the spine.
  • Posture Corrector for neck hump: In case of further worsening of the forward head position, posture corrector for neck hump should be used. It prevents the forward head position and supports the body. They can be used while sitting or standing for long periods of time.
  • Ergonomic Workstation: Incorporating regular breaks from devices can have a profound impact on reducing a neck hump. Simple changes like adjusting your workstation to an ergonomic setup, holding devices at eye level, and being mindful of your posture can help prevent further strain on the spine.
  • Strengthen Back Muscles: Specific exercises that work on the upper back and shoulders can help in maintaining muscular balance and proper posture.
  • Limit Device Usage: Reduce the amount of time spent looking down at devices. If you must use devices frequently, take regular breaks to stretch and reposition yourself. Holding devices at eye level can also minimize the strain on your neck and prevent the forward head posture that leads to a neck hump.
  • Physical Therapy: Consulting a physical therapist for targeted exercises and professional guidance is recommended, especially if the neck hump is severe or causing significant discomfort.


Prevention is always better than cure. These conditions can be managed by taking simple precautions. By adopting these preventive measures, you can keep your spine healthy and avoid neck hump causes. Remember, consistency is key to seeing positive results. Start today and enhance your quality of life.


  1. Can poor posture be one of the neck hump causes?
    Yes, poor posture is one of the leading neck hump causes. Slouching or maintaining a forward head position for prolonged periods can lead to the development of this condition.
  2. How often should I use a posture corrector for neck hump for it to be effective?
    The effectiveness of a posture corrector for neck hump depends on consistent use. It is recommended to wear it for 30 minutes to an hour each day, gradually increasing the timing.
  3. Can sleeping positions affect neck hump?
    Yes, sleeping positions can influence neck and spine alignment. Using a neck hump corrector pillow can help maintain proper posture while sleeping.
  4. How do you sit to avoid neck hump?
    To avoid neck hump causes, sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and avoid slumping or leaning forward.